Home News PNB Housing Finance’s Q1FY25 results reporting an increase in Net profit by 25% YoY to INR 433 crore

PNB Housing Finance’s Q1FY25 results reporting an increase in Net profit by 25% YoY to INR 433 crore

by Our Corresspondent - Jul 26, 2024
PNB Housing Finance’s Q1FY25 results reporting an increase in Net profit by 25% YoY to INR 433 crore, News, KonexioNetwork.com

Bengaluru: The Board of Directors of PNB Housing Finance Limited today approved the Consolidated Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 30th June 2024. The accounts have been subjected to a limited review by the Company’s Statutory Auditors in line with the regulatory guidelines. The financial numbers are based on IndAS.

Key Highlights
  • Disbursement grew by 19% YoY to INR 4,398 crore; retail disbursement constitutes 99%
           o    Emerging markets and affordable segment contribute 33% of the retail disbursement in Q1FY25
  • Retail Loan Asset grew by 14.4% YoY to INR 65,157 crore as on 30th Jun 2024, which is 97.3% of Loan Asset
          o    Affordable book crossed INR 2,000 crore mark; as on 30th Jun 2024 is at INR 2,361 crore
  • Loan Asset stood at INR 66,986 crore as on 30th Jun 2024 registering 11% growth YoY
  • Strengthened Pan India presence to 303 branches & outreaches
          o    Dedicated 160 branches for Affordable segment and 50 branches for Emerging Segment
  • Gross NPA declined by 241 bps to 1.35% as on 30th Jun 2024 as compared to 3.76% as on 30th June 2023. Net NPA declined to less than 1% at 0.92% as on 30th Jun 2024
  • Resolved 1 NPA and 1 written off corporate account during the quarter
  • Recovered ~INR 80 crore from total written-off pool in Q1FY25
  • Profit after Tax is at INR 433 crore vs INR 347 crore registering an increase of 25% YoY
  • Return on Asset is at 2.38% in Q1FY25 (annualized); FY24 ROA stood at 2.20%
  • Capital Risk Adequacy Ratio stood at 29.50% as on 30th Jun 2024; Tier I at 28.43%
  • CRISIL upgraded the rating to “AA+” from “AA”; Outlook “Stable”
Financial performance (Q1 FY24-25 vs Q1 FY23-24 and Q4 FY23-24)
  • Net profit increased by 25% YoY and declined by 1.5% QoQ to INR 433 crore
  • Net Interest Income grew by 4% YoY and 3% QoQ to INR 651 crore
  • Operating expenditure increased by 27% YoY and 8% QoQ to INR 190 crore
  • Yield at 10.03% in Q1 FY25 as compared to 10.08% in Q4 FY24 and 10.59% in Q1 FY24
  • Cost of Borrowing is at 7.92% in Q1 FY25 as compared to 7.98% in Q4 FY24 and 7.97% in Q1 FY24
  • Spread on loans is at 2.11% in Q1 FY25 as compared to 2.10% in Q4 FY24 and 2.62% in Q1 FY24
  • Net Interest Margin stood at 3.65% in Q1 FY25 as compared to 3.65% in Q4 FY24 and 3.86% in Q1 FY24. Gross Margin, net of acquisition cost, stood at 4.03% in Q1 FY25
  • With recovery from total written off pool, Credit Cost stood at -7 bps in Q1 FY25 as compared to 4 bps in Q4 FY24 and 36 bps in Q1 FY25
Business Operations
  • The disbursements during Q1 FY25 grew by 19% YoY to INR 4,398 crore
           o    Retail disbursement grew by 19% YoY to INR 4,363 in Q1 FY25
  • Loan Asset grew by 11%YoY and 2% QoQ to INR 66,896 crore as on 30th Jun 2024
          o    Retail loans grew by 14% YoY and 3% QoQ to INR 65,157 crore as on 30th Jun 2024. Within Retail, affordable loan asset is at INR 2,361 crore as on 30th Jun 2024
          o    Corporate loans are at INR 1,829 crore as on 30th Jun 2024, reduced by 46% as compared to 30th Jun 2023
  • Asset under Management (AUM) grew by 8% YoY and 2% QoQ to INR 72,540 crore as on 30th Jun 2024
Distribution and Service Network
  • The Company has 303 branches / outreach locations as on 30th Jun 2024:
          o    Affordable business presence in 160 branches
          o    Dedicated 50 branches for Emerging Segment
          o    93 branches for Prime segment

Asset Quality
  • Gross Non-Performing Assets is at 1.35% as on 30th Jun 2024 as compared to 3.76% as on 30th Jun 2023 and 1.50% as on 31st Mar 2024
          o    Retail GNPA is 1.39% as on 30th Jun 2024 as compared to 2.49% as on 30th Jun 2023 and 1.45% as on 31st Mar 2024
          o    Corporate GNPA stands nil as on 30th Jun 2024 as compared to 24.99% as on 30th Jun 2023 and 3.31% as on 31st Mar 2024
  • Net NPA stood at 0.92% as on 30th Jun 2024. NNPA in Retail segment is at 0.94%

Capital to Risk Asset Ratio (CRAR)
  • The Company’s CRAR based on IndAS stood at 29.50% as on 30th Jun 2024, of which Tier I capital is 28.43% and Tier II is 1.07% as compared 29.93% as on 30th Jun 2023, of which Tier I capital was 28.15% and Tier II was 1.78%

Commenting on the performance Mr. Girish Kousgi, Managing Director & CEO said:
The Company’s focus on growth, asset quality and profitability are yielding results as evidenced by the increased contribution from high-yielding segments, such as the affordable segment and emerging markets, which accounted for over 30% of retail disbursement during the quarter. Our consistent efforts have enabled us to resolve the NPA accounts, thereby reducing our total GNPA to 1.35% as on June 30, 2024.

The Government's commitment to inclusive growth is demonstrated by the expansion of the PMAY scheme, which includes the provision of 3 crore additional houses in urban and rural areas. This is a substantial stride toward the realization of the government's vision of "Housing for all." The Company is well-positioned to capitalize on this opportunity with our Pan India presence through 303 branches, including dedicated160 branches for the affordable segment.”