Federal Bank Announces Winners of Federal Bank Hormis Memorial Foundation Scholarships for 2022-23
- 310 students to receive scholarships from Federal Bank Hormis Memorial Foundation to pursue professional courses
- Students across Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab and Tamil Nadu pursuing first year of MBBS, BE/Btech, BSc Nursing, MBA, Agriculture (B.Sc) including BSc (Hons) Cooperation & Banking with Agricultural Sciences conducted by Agriculture Universities have been selected including students with impaired speech/hearing/vision.
Mumbai: Federal Bank announced the names of 310 applicants from across the country who will receive Federal Bank Hormis Memorial Foundation scholarship for pursuing higher studies. Initiated in memory of the founder of Federal Bank, Shri K P Hormis, the scholarship aims to financially support meritorious students from weaker social economic backgrounds, enabling them to pursue professional educational courses.
As part of its flagship CSR programme, applicants chosen are for the academic year 2022-23. The programme seeks to provide an opportunity for the emerging talent. Students belonging to the states of Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab and Tamil Nadu pursuing first year of MBBS, BE/Btech, B Sc. Nursing, MBA & Agriculture (BSc) including BSc (Hons) Cooperation & Banking with Agricultural Sciences conducted by Agriculture Universities had applied for this scholarship.
Launched in 1996, the Trust is striving hard to support the community in which it operates through various training programs, seminars, infrastructure development and so on. Each year, Federal Bank Hormis Memorial Foundation aims to inspire children to explore their passion among many other CSR initiatives.