Mumbai : Atam Valves Limited (BSE – 543236 NSE – ATAM), a renowned manufacturer of industrial and plumbing valves and fittings, has announced its unaudited Financial Results for the H1 & Q2 FY24.
Key Financial Highlights:
H1 FY24:
- Total Income Stands at ₹ 23.17 Crore in H1 FY24 vs ₹ 18.45 Crore in H1 FY23, Growth of 25.58%
- EBITDA Stands at ₹ 3.89 Crore in H1 FY24 Vs ₹ 3.69 Crore in H1 FY23, Growth of 5.44%
- EBITDA Margin of 16.80 %
- PAT of ₹ 2.16 crore
- PAT Margin of 9.32 %
- EPS of ₹ 1.84
Q2 FY24:
- Total Income Stands at ₹ 12.76 Crore in Q2 FY24 vs ₹ 11.01 Crore in Q2 FY23, Growth of 15.96%
- EBITDA Stands at ₹ 2.39 Crore in Q2 FY24 Vs ₹ 2.29 Crore in Q2 FY23, Growth of 4.16%
- EBITDA Margin of 18.70 %
- PAT of ₹ 1.30 crore
- PAT Margin of 10.34 %
- EPS of ₹ 1.12
Commenting on the performance, Mr. Amit Jain – Managing Director of Atam Valves Limited said, “We are pleased to announce the positive advancements at ATAM Valves Limited during the first half of FY24, where a heightened demand for Industrial Valves has resulted in a substantial increase in our Total Income. Our unwavering commitment to operational efficiency and the steadfast quality of our valves remains our primary focus.
We are strategically advancing our in-house manufacturing capabilities and actively planning a significant expansion to venture into the production of larger-sized valves. This strategic move is aimed at meeting the diverse needs of the entire valves industry.
The steadfast trust exhibited by our clients has not only provided a solid foundation for our ongoing operations but has also positioned us for a highly promising second half of the fiscal year.”